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Release Notes

Specific Versions

  • 3.2.28

    • New:
      • Create Runoff Raster – A new tool that downloads runoff data at the Huc-08 level from USGS WaterWatch
      • Create Streams With Flow Threshold – A new tool that uses runoff and flow accumulation rasters to create streams.
      • Report Performance – A new tool that generates a log file documenting script performance, data, and system used in processing based on configuration file.
      • Report Performance AH – A new tool that generates a log file documenting script performance, data, and system used in processing based on configuration file.
      • Generate AH Performance Report – A new tool that generates an html report based on performance log files.
      • Create Flood Simulation Raster – A new tool that Creates a time-enabled mosaic dataset and .crf file from results of Flood Simulation.
    • Fixes:
      • SDF to Geodatabase - Added processing of "Ineffective Positions". Improved performance. Better reporting.
  • 3.2.25

    • New:

      • Smooth and Simplify Lines - Smooth and simplify lines (e.g., vector streams data) using various methods.
      • Assign Unique ID - Assign unique identifiers of integer, string, and UUID type.
    • Updates:

      • Train Random Trees - Changed the "Maximum Number of Features" default to "sqrt" instead of "auto", per changes to Scikit-Learn.
      • Create Overland Flow Connector - Added input StreamOutlet to allow tracing from the end of streams in addition to the end of pipes.
      • Stormwater Processing - Added input StreamOutlet to allow tracing from the end of streams in addition to the end of pipes.
    • Fixes:

      • Smooth High Resolution DEM - Addressed a bug with Pro 3.3 due to an updated version of NumPy. Also added an Error for input rasters missing NoData designation.
      • Train Random Trees - see above
  • 3.2.7

    • New:
      • Advanced AH Two-Point Trace – trace between two points (upstream->downstream) to return the streams between these two points + features of 1 or 2 related layers
      • Advanced Trace by AH Attribute – for a given point (flag), trace upstream/downstream to return the streams upstream/downstream of this point + features of 1 or 2 related layers.
      • Global Point Delineator – integrate local delineated watershed polygon with upstream processing unit polygons to produce a global watershed polygon.
    • Updates:
      • Build Contours – allows user to specify unit when specifying the interval between the contour lines and adds a field "Contour_Unit" with the values of contour lines in user specified contour interval Unit.
  • 3.1.51
    • Watershed and subwatershed characteristics update

Major Updates