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Hello from Arc Hydro

We are the team of hydrology + GIS specialists behind Esri's Arc Hydro. Arc Hydro consists of a data model, toolset, and workflows developed over the years to support specific GIS implementations in water resources. It operates on both ArcGIS 10.x and ArcGIS Pro, offering the latest innovations in GIS to help you create a deeper understanding of your hydro data. Arc Hydro helps you build a foundational dataset that can be used in water resource analyses and for integration with water resource models. It standardizes water data structures so that data can be used consistently and efficiently to solve a wider range of water resource problems at any scale - regional, national, or international.

What you'll find here

Foundational Arc Hydro knowledge via introductory docs, best practices, and webinars.

Meet the Team

We rely on our users to know what works and what is missing in Arc Hydro. Reach out to us on Esri Community or via email (

Dean Djokic, Ph.D.

Zichuan Ye, Ph.D.

Christine Dartiguenave

Gina O'Neil, Ph.D.

Ezra Bosworth-Ahmet

Jakob Drozd

Jordyn Miller, Ph.D.