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Consolidate Attributes Single


Consolidate AttributesThe Consolidate Attributes tool allows consolidating the source attribute in the source layer based on a relationship (Link Field) between the source layer/table and the target layer/table. Only layers having relationships may be selected as target or source layer. The source has to be different from the target, and related to it.How the function worksFor each target feature, the function finds the related source features based on a predefined relationship, and performs the selected consolidation operation on these source features. The result of the consolidation is stored in the target field. Options for consolidation operations include Sum, Max, Min, Count, Average, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation.



Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Target TableRequiredInputTable ViewTable that the attributes will be consolidated to.
Target FieldRequiredInputFieldField that the consolidated field results will be written to.
Target Link FieldRequiredInputFieldField that links to source table
Source TableRequiredInputTable ViewSource table whose source field will be consolidated to the target table
Source FieldRequiredInputFieldSource field whose value will be consolidated (based on specified stat_op) to the target_table.target_field
Source Link FieldRequiredInputFieldfield link to target table (target_table.link_field = source_table.link_field)
Statistics TypeRequiredInputStringstatistics operation will be applied to the source field values before being consolidated to the target field. The valid entries are:Sum, Average, Min, Max, Count, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Weight Average by Field
Weight FieldOptionalInputFieldfield on the source table whose values will be used as a weight when the Statistics_Type = 'weighted average'