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Calculate Normal Depth


Calculates normal depth for each cross-section in the input cross-section layer whose characteristics are in the input cross-section characteristics table, based on the flows in the input river layer. Cross-section's RiverID must match HydroID of the river feature from which to extract flows. XID in the cross-section characteristics table must match HydroID of the cross-section. Names of flow fields in the input river feature class must follow "xx_Qyy" convention, where:xx - short prefix indicating technique used for discharge computations._Q - fixed literals.yy - integer number indicating return period associated with the discharge (it could also indicate a time step).For each flow field, a matching normal depth field is created with "xx_Hyy" naming convention, where:

  • xx - short prefix indicating technique used for discharge computations.
  • _H - fixed literals.
  • yy - integer number indicating return period associated with the discharge (it could also indicate a time step).

For example, flow B_Q25 in the river feature class would have a matching normal depth B_H25 in the cross-section feature class. Normal depth fields will be created by the function.


ComputeNormalDepth [FLRiver][FLXLine] [TablePFXLine]


Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Input Hydrology River FCRequiredInputFeature LayerPolyline feature class representing rivers/streams for which hydrologic analysis has been performed and discharges calculated. Feature class must have HydroID populated. Field names containing flows must follow "xx_Qyy" convention, where:
  • xx - short prefix indicating technique used for discharge computations.
  • _Q - fixed literals
  • yy - integer number indicating return period associated with the discharge (it could also indicate a time step).
  • Input 3D Cross-section FCRequiredInputFeature LayerPolyline feature class representing 3D cross-sections (profile line). Feature class must have HydroID and RiverID populated. RiverID must correspond to the HydroID of the river from which to extract flows. Normal depth will be calculated for all flow fields in the river layer. Normal depth fields are created with "xx_Hyy" naming convention, where:
  • xx - short prefix indicating technique used for discharge computations.
  • _H - fixed literals.
  • yy - integer number indicating return period associated with the discharge (it could also indicate a time step).
  • Normal depth fields will be created by the function.
    Input Cross-section Characteristics TableRequiredInputTable ViewCross-section characteristic table with following attributes (many records for each cross-section):
  • XID (input) - HydroID of the source cross-section.
  • Z (input) - absolute elevation.
  • H (input) - depth.
  • A (input) - area.
  • P (input) - wetted perimeter.
  • R (input) - hydraulic radius.
  • B (input) - cross-section width.
  • XS (input) - station of the first cross-section point at the Z-line.
  • Q (output) - potential discharge for each Z.