Connect HydroJunctions
Connects structure HydroJunctions created manually and of hydraulic type Bridge, Culvert, Levee, Dam or Control Structure, i.e. having JUNCTION_PLACEMENT_DESC = 'MAN ' (Manual) and HYDRAULIC_TYPE_DESC in ('BRID', 'CULV', 'DAM', 'LEV', 'CS'), to the network. These hydraulic types are the default types set in the tool.
The tool connects the junctions by creating new HydroEdge features of FType 'Structure Link' starting at the boundary structure junction and ending into either a sink junction for pitted areas or at the associated HydroJunction for dendritic areas. The tool also generates the corresponding Boundary DrainageLine features and connectivity records of type 'Junction' in the DrainConn table
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input Hydro Junction | GPFeatureLayer | Input Hydro Junction features to process. Tool will connect junctions having JUNCTION_PLACEMENT_DESC = 'MAN ' (Manual) and HYDRAULIC_TYPE_DESC in ('BRID', 'CULV', 'DAM', 'LEV', 'CS') and CONNECTDONE=0 or NULL that are located on a Drainage Boundary feature. The tool will update the field CONNECTDONE with 1 at the end of the process, or with -1 if the process fails. |
Input | Required | Input Hydro Edge | GPFeatureLayer | Input Hydro Edge feature class belonging to the network. New HydroEdge featured of type 'Structure Link' connecting the boundary junctions being processed to their associated sink/dendritic junctions will be generated. |
Input | Required | Input Drainage Area | GPFeatureLayer | Input Drainage Area feature class. For dendritic areas, the tool will look for the associated JunctionID and set the end point of the link to that Junction if found. |
Input | Required | Input Drainage Boundary | GPFeatureLayer | Input Drainage Boundary feature class. The tool will look for the Drainage Boundary features intersecting the input junctions and retrieve their associated Drainage Areas using the DrainConn table. |
Input | Required | Input Boundary Drainage Line | GPFeatureLayer | Input Boundary Drainage Line feature class. |
Input | Required | Input Drainage Connectivity | GPTableView | Input Drainage Connectivity table. |
Input | Required | Input Flow Direction Raster | GPRasterLayer | Input Flow Direction raster used to generate flow paths. |
Output | Derived | Output Hydro Junction | GPFeatureLayer | |
Output | Derived | Output Hydro Edge | GPFeatureLayer | |
Output | Derived | Output Boundary Drainage Line | GPFeatureLayer | |
Output | Derived | Output Drainage Connectivity | GPTableView |