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Drainage Connectivity Characterization


Generates connectivity for deranged terrain through the lowest elevations on the boundaries. The tool adds links from the "center" of one drainage area to the "center" of the connected drainage areas. This link consists of one feature composed of two geometric segments - one segment starting at the "center" of one drainage area nad ending on the lowest point on the boundary between the two areas and the other segment starting at that point on the boundary and ending at the "center" of the other drainage area.

The tool works on a selected set of Drainage Boundary features or on all features if there is no selected set. It processes the selected Drainage Boundary lines characterized with IsIncluded=1 and IsDone=0.


Arc Hydro;Connectivity


Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Input DEM RasterRequiredInputRaster LayerInput DEM used to retrieve elevations.
Input Flow Direction RasterRequiredInputRaster LayerInput Flow Direction Grid used to generate the links from the lowest point on the shared boundaries to the catchment sink or stream confluence junction.
Input Drainage Area Feature ClassRequiredInputFeature LayerInput drainage area features associated to drainage boundaries being processed.
Input Drainage Boundary Feature ClassRequiredInputFeature LayerInput Drainage Boundaruy features being processed. Tool will process only features having IsIncluded=1 and IsDone=0 or Null.
Input Drainage Point Feature ClassRequiredInputFeature LayerInput Drainage Point feature class.
Input Drainage Connectivity TableRequiredInputTable ViewInput Drainage Connectivity table storing the HydroIDs of the drainage boundaries and of the associated drainage areas (-1 for external area).
Input HydroEdge Feature ClassOptionalInputFeature LayerFeature class where HydroEdge features associated to the links will be stored. This feature class will be created if it does not already exist. If it already exists, new features will be appended.
Input HydroJunction Feature ClassOptionalInputFeature LayerFeature class where HydroJunction features associated to the links will be stored. This feature class will be created if it does not already exist. If it already exists, new features will be appended.
Input Boundary Drainage Line Feature ClassOptionalInputFeature LayerFeature class where Boundary Drainage Line features associated to the links will be stored. This feature class will be created if it does not already exist. If it already exists, new features will be appended.