Partition Hillslopes
Separate subwatersheds into headwater and lateral hillslopes.
Separate subwatersheds into headwater and lateral hillslopes. Headwater hillslopes drain to stream inlets and lateral hillslopes are created by bisecting the relevant catchment area by the drainage line. Hillslope parts that are the size the user defined area threshold or smaller are deleted from the final output.
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input Catchments | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Input catchment feature layer following the Arc Hydro data model. |
Input Flow Direction Raster | Required | Input | Raster Layer | Input flow direction raster following the Arc Hydro data model. |
Input Flow Accumulation Raster | Required | Input | Raster Layer | Input flow accumulation raster following the Arc Hydro data model. |
Input Drainage Lines | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Input drainage lines following the Arc Hydro data model. |
Input Threshold | Required | Input | Double | Number of cells used as the flow accumulation threshold when creating the drainage lines. This number is used to identify stream inlets. See the user messages for the flow accumulation threshold used in terrain preprocessing steps. |
Input Area Threshold | Required | Input | Double | Minimum hillslope area. |
Output Hillslopes | Required | Output | Feature Layer | Output hillslope feature class. Any hillslope parts are the size of one cell or smaller are deleted. |