Enable HydroID on Feature Creation
Create attribute rule to populate HydroID on feature create (insert) operation. All selected input feature classes need to be contained in the same workspace. The assigned HydroID will be based on the 'LASTID' field value in the ApUniqueID table residing in the same workspace where the input feature class resides. For each selected input feature class, tool will add an attribute rule whose name is [layername]_hydroid_insert, so for a layer name = FPRiver, the attribute rule name would be fpriver_hydroid_insert.
If needed, the tool will do the following:
- Create the ApUniqueID table if one is not present in the required workspace.
- If the GlobalID is not implemented for the input feature class, the GlobalID field will be added and enabled.
- If HydroID field does not exist, it will be created.
- If an input feature class already has this attribute rule, this existing rule will be removed and new one created.
The tool returns the workspace containing the input feature classes.
Input Feature Classes One or many feature classes for which to apply HydroID assignment on feature creation. All these feature classes need to be contained in a single workspace. (Added 2022/09/22, 2023/08/07)
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input Feature Classes | Required | Input | Multiple Value | One or many feature classes for which to apply HydroID assignment on feature creation. All these feature classes need to be contained in a single workspace. |
Operation | Required | Input | String | Operation takes two values: Enable and Disable |