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Time Series Transfer


Transfer time series data defined on a set of spatial features to that definied on a different set of spatial features - the transfer is done based on spatial intersect of these two feature data sets.



Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Input Source Time Series TableRequiredInputTable View
Property TypeRequiredInputStringIntensive properties do not depend on the amount of matter that is present. Examples of intensive properties are: temperature, flow rate, rainfall depth. Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter that is present. Examples of intensive properties are: heat, water volume, rainfall volume.
Input XRef TableRequiredInputTable ViewTSXRef - Area cross reference table that contains the following fields:
  • KEYFROM - Holds key field values of the first feature layer
  • KEYTO - Holds key field values of the second feature layer
  • PCTFROM - Holds the fraction values intersect area/first feature's area = (XArea/FromArea) [Used when the TSValue is of extensive type, like HEAT, Rainfall volume, etc.]
  • PCTTO - Holds the fraction values intersect area/second feature's area = (XArea/ToArea) [Used when the TSValue is of intensive type, like Temperature, Rainfall depth, etc.] This table is usually created from an spatial intersect operation of these two feature dataset
  • Output Target Time Series TableRequiredOutputTable View
    Fields whose values to be copied (keyed on time)OptionalInputMultiple ValueA list of fields whose values (keyed on TSTIME) will be transferred (optional).
    Key Field from Time Series TableOptionalInputString
    Optimize PerformanceRequiredInputBoolean