Download GEOGloWS Flow Values from Esri URL
Download GEOGloWS Flow Values from Esri URLDownload GEOGlowWS flow forecast values using Esri URL (Living Atlas GEOGloWS services at Each selected feature in the input river feature class will be processed. The feature class must contain field that has the unique identifier of GEOGloWS global river network feature for which to download the forecast time series.The results are stored in the output time series table. Output time series table with user specified name will be created in the same workspace as the input river feature class. The table will have these fields: [COMID, VarID, TSTime, TSValue, FeatureID]. FeatureID field will contain HydroID of the input river feature if one exists, or COMID if HydroID is not populated in the input river feature class. If table with provided name already exists in the geodatabase where the input river feature class resides, it will be overwritten, otherwise a new table will be created.
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input River Feature Class | Required | Input | Feature Layer | River feature class (requiring a populated COMID field) |
COMID Field | Required | Input | Field | Field name containing unique identifier of GEOGloWS river reach for which to download forecast values. |
Output Time Series Table Name | Required | Input | String | Name of the table in which to store the resulting time series of forecast flows. |
Optimize Performance | Required | Input | Boolean | Improve the downloading performance by allowing sending request with multiple sites. |
Update FeatureID with 1-to-many HydroID | Optional | Input | Boolean | If checked and more than one river feature points to the same forecast reach (COMID), store time series record for every river reach. If unchecked, store time series information for unique COMIDs only. |