Download GEOGloWS Retrospect FF and Q Values
Download GEOGloWS Retrospect FF and Q ValuesDownload GEOGloWS retrospect flood frequency and "historical" discharge time series using geoglows python library. Input is a table with [COMID] field as input (user specified) that defines the unique GEOGloWS reach for which to download values. The tool always downloads the flood frequency values for the reach and stores them in GF2, GF5, GF10, GF25, GF50, GF100, fields in the input river feature class.
Optionally, the tool also downloads the daily retrospect flow data between the specified start and end date (inclusive) for each of the selected rivers.
Field "IsDone" is added to the input river feature class and indicates the status of time series download. Value = 1 indicates that the time series has been successfully downloaded, while value of -1 indicates that the time series was not successfully downloaded. Any other value means that the download of the time series was not attempted.
Output time series table with user specified name will be created in the same workspace as the input river feature class. The table will have these fields: [COMID, VarID, TSTime, TSValue, FeatureID]. FeatureID field will contain HydroID of the input river feature if one exists, or COMID if HydroID is not populated in the input river feature class.
If "Append to Time Series Table" option is checked, the data will be appended to the output table if it already exists. Input features whose "IsDone" field = 1 will not be reprocessed. If "IsDone" field = -1, any existing records will be first deleted from the time series table and new downloads will be saved.
If "Append to Time Series Table" option is NOT checked, and the time series table already exists, ALL records in the existing time series table will be deleted.
NOTE: This tool requires that geoglows python library is installed on your computer. It is NOT installed as part of Arc Hydro installation. To install the library, follow this procedure:
- Close ArcGIS Pro (all instances).
- On a command line, move to folder where python used by ArcGIS Pro is installed, usually "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3", but that could vary if you have performed custom installation.
- On the command line, type: python -m pip install geoglows
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input River Feature Class | Required | Input | Feature Layer | River feature class (requiring a populated COMID field) |
COMID Field | Required | Input | Field | Field name containing unique identifier of GEOGloWS river reach for which to download flow frequency and retrospect values. |
Download Retrospect Flows | Optional | Input | Boolean | Checkbox indicating whether to download retrospect ("historical") values. If checked, additional entries will appear. |
Output Time Series Table Name | Required | Input | String | Name of the table in which to store the resulting time series of retrospect flows. |
Start Date | Optional | Input | Date | Starting date of the stream flow (inclusive), e.g., 1/1/1993. Note that although the starting date is specified, the download will always include the full 42-year retrospect time series. The starting date will limit the data that are stored in the local table. |
End Date | Optional | Input | Date | Ending date of the stream flow (inclusive), e.g., 12/31/1993. Note that although the ending date is specified, the download will always include the full 42-year retrospect time series. The ending date will limit the data that are stored in the local table. |
Append to an Existing Time Series Table | Optional | Input | Boolean | If checked, the download data will be added to the exiting time series table. If not, and time series table exists, all existing records will be deleted. |
Update FeatureID with 1-to-many HydroID | Required | Input | Boolean | If checked and more than one river feature points to the same forecast reach (COMID), store time series record for every river reach. If unchecked, store time series information for unique COMIDs only. |