Find Intersect Points
Finds point intersections of cross-section and river lines. All river and cross-section attributes are carried over to the output points. HydroID is assigned to the output features.
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input 3D Cross-section FC | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Polyline feature class representing 3D cross-sections (profile line). This feature class should have WSE fields that will be used in floodplain delineation. |
Input Hydraulics River FC | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Polyline feature class representing rivers/streams that will be used in floodplain mapping. |
Output Point FC | Required | Output | Feature Class | Point feature class representing points along the river that carry WSE values that will be used in floodplain mapping. All river and cross-section attributes are carried over to the output points. HydroID is assigned to the output features. |