Flood from Cross-Section H Multiple Values
Determine floodplain depth and extent using "cross-section" technique based on user defined water surface elevation field in the cross-section feature class. Input cross-section and water surface elevation field are used to create a water surface tin using cross-sections and WSE as hard breaklines with known elevation. TIN is then converted into raster of the same resolution as DEM and the two surfaces are subtracted. The resulting raster defines water depth raster, and the extent of that raster defined the floodplain polygon. The resulting polygon is not generalized.
The provided result folder is used as a parent directory within which to create the process result folder and store the results of the tool. The short process name is used to name processing results:
- A folder within results directory to contain the process results.
- A project folder under the result directory with the name given by 'Short Process Name'
- A geodatabase named FP.GDB within the project folder.
- A feature class named "FPPoly" to host the floodplain polygons
- A Layers folder under the project folder to host the FD and WSE raster.
- A Layers/FD and a Layers/WSE folder to hold Depth and WSE rasters.
- A “WSETIN” folder under project folder to host unrestricted water surface elevation TINs
- All the FD, WSE raster and WSE tins are named after the field names provided by the Input WSE Fields
Explicit naming of the output layers is not enabled.
If optional hydraulics river feature class is provided, only floodplain elements contiguous to the river will be maintained.
If optional floodplain limit polygon is provided, the floodplain extent polygon and flood depth raster will be limited to that polygon extent (the WSE raster and TIN will NOT be limited).
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input Cross-Section Feature Layer | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Line cross-section feature class that will be used as hard breakline when creating water surface elevation TIN. One of the fields in that feature class needs to contain the water surface elevation to use in floodplain generation. |
Input WSE Fields | Required | Field | String | List of field names hosting the WSE values. |
Input DEM Raster | Required | Input | Raster Layer | DEM raster that will be “flooded”. |
Input Results Folder | Required | Input | Folder | Parent folder in which to store results. |
Input Short Process Name (up to 10 characters) | Required | Input | String | Short name (up to 10 characters long) that will be used to name the process result folder and resulting layers. This project folder will be created if not existed, and the following folders will be created under this project_folder project_folder ..\Layers ..\FD -- flood depth raster ..\WSE .. wse raster ..WSETIN .. wse tins FP.gdb ..layers ....FPPoly -- floodplain polygon feature class ..fp_depth mosaicdataset of flood depth raster ..fp_wse mosaicdataset of wse raster |
Input Hydraulics River FC | Optional | Input | Feature Layer | Polyline feature class that if provided will be used to limit the extent of flooding to the area that is directly connected to the lines in this feature class (will remove “disconnected” flood polygons). If not provided, disconnected flood polygons will not be removed. |
Input Floodplain Limit Polygon FC | Optional | Input | Feature Layer | Polygon feature class that if provided will be used to limit the extent of flooding to the area that is within the polygons in this feature class. This can be used to limit the extent of flooding to individual stream reaches or watersheds. If not provided, there will be no explicit limit to the extent of the derived floodplain (extent of the DEM will define the potential flooding extent). |
Profile Definition Table | Optional | Input | Table View | Profile_Definition_Table with these fields: ['Profile','Alias','TSTime','Description','Processed'] |
Dissolve Floodplain Polygons | Optional | Input | Boolean | True: Dissolve the FPPolygon on profile [field_name], False [Default]: Do not dissolve |