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Create Thalweg and HAND Base Structures


Create Sink polygons and sink points at the location of input point structures associated to from point of lines. Line structures such as aquifer or culvert transport the water but do not have a contributing area. Creating structures sinks at the start of the line structures ensure that the water accumulates at the beginning of the structures. Tool offers 3 options to create the structure sink points and polygons features:

  • Option 0: create sinks at the end of the Drainage Line features having NextDownID=-1.

  • Option 1: create sinks at the from point of the Drainage Lines of type structure that are:

    • either connected to at least one upstream Drainage Line that is not a line structure.
    • or are not connected to any upstream (structure or not) Drainage Line feature.

    Line of type structures are defined as Drainage Line features having the field StructType populated with 'Aquifer', 'Culvert' or 'Siphon'. These values are read from the node ApFunction(CreateSinkPolygon)/StrucTypes in the configuration file AHPyConfig.xml located in the ArcGIS\Desktop10.x\ArcToolbox\Scripts\ArcHydro directory.

    <\ApFunction Name="CreateSinkPolygon">
    <\StructTypes>Culvert,Siphon,Aqueduct<\/StructTypes> <\/ApFunction

  • Option 2: same as Option 1 but defining the line structures using a different input line feature class. The field StrucType is not needed as all features in that feature class will be considered as structures.



Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Input Reference DEM RasterRequiredInputRaster Layer.
Input Drainage Line Feature ClassRequiredInputFeature Layer
Input Maximum Stream WidthRequiredInputLinear Unit
Output Stream Buffer Feature ClassRequiredOutputFeature Layer
Output Vertex Points Feature ClassRequiredOutputFeature Layer
Output Thalweg DEM RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer
Output Thalweg Densified RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer
Output Vertex Source RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer
Output Zonal RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer
Output Zonal Minimum RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer
Output Zonal Distance RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer
Output Unit Run RasterRequiredOutputRaster Layer