Define HAND based Flood Depth and Extent from NWM Forecast
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
River Feature Class | Required | Input | Feature Layer | River |
COMID Field | Required | Input | Field | COMID |
NWM Forecast Type | Required | Input | String | |
NWM TS Table Name | Optional | Input | String | Time series table name - holding the downloaded time series data from (URL10Day = '') or URL18Hrs = '') |
Optimize Performance | Required | Input | Boolean | |
TSXIDRef Table | Required | Input | Table View | COMID to HYDROID ref |
Lookup Table | Required | Input | Table View | Q to H look up table |
Flood Dataset Folder | Required | Input | Folder | The folder containing the FloodDS processing results [fp.gdb, depth (grid), etc) |
Target Workspace | Required | Input | Workspace | Target workspace to store the processing results, e.g., d:\data\fpout.gdb |
Layer Name of Floodplain Zone River | Required | Input | String | Floodplain polygons (one polygon per river per time step) FPZoneRiver |
Layer Name of Floodplain Zone | Required | Input | String | Floodplain polygon (one polygon per time step = FPZoneRiver dissolved on Time), FPZone |
Name of Mosaic Flood Depth Rater | Required | Input | String | Mosaic Flood Depth rater |
Add flood zone for the base level | Required | Input | Boolean | True, adding/mosaic the river raster to the resulting floodplain raster (for delta H < 3 ft) |
Include Raster Processing | Required | Input | Boolean | Processing the mosaic raster if checked. |