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Download NWM Retrospect Q Values


Download NWM Retrospect Q Values from [default, 26 yrs], or s3://noaa-nwm-retrospective-2-1-zarr-pds (42 yrs).


xr.open_zarr(fsspec.get_mapper(URL), consolidated=True)


Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Retrospect TypeRequiredInputStringTwo entries:
  • Retrospect 2.0 (26 years), from January 1993 through December 2018, url =
  • Retrospect 2.1 (42 years, from February 1979 through December 2020, ), url = s3://noaa-nwm-retrospective-2-1-zarr-pds
  • Input StreamsRequiredInputTable ViewData table with COMID field
    COMID FieldRequiredInputFieldName of COMID field.
    Start DateRequiredInputDateStarting Date of the stream flow (inclusive), e.g., 1/1/1993

    Retrospect 2.0 (26 years), from January 1993 through December 2018

    Retrospect 2.1 (42 years), from February 1979 through December 2020
    End DateRequiredInputDateEnding Date of the stream flow (inclusive), e.g., 12/31/2018

    Retrospect 2.0 (26 years), from January 1993 through December 2018

    Retrospect 2.1 (42 years), from February 1979 through December 2020
    Design Flow - Return Period (Years)OptionalInputMultiple ValueList of return period (year) to compute the Design Flow, e.g., 2;5;10;25;50;100;500, if no value is provided, the design flow will not be computed.
    Output NWM Time Series Table NameOptionalInputStringName of output time series table (Optional), if NOT provided = '', or '#', the downloaded time series Q will not be save to a table.if provided, a time series table (TSTable) will be created at the workspace hosting the input_streams featureclass to save the downloaded time series Q., This TSTable will have the following fields:
  • feature_id: COMID of input_features (river lines).
  • FeatureID - HydroID of the input_features if HydroID field exists in that input_features, if not, same as that of feature_id.
  • TSTime - datetime of the streamflow Q value
  • TSValue - streamflow Q.
  • Reset Download (IsDone) StatusOptionalInputBoolean
  • Reset_IsDone_Status = True, set IsDone=0 on input_streams layer.
  • IsDone field is added to the input_streams layer to record the status of time series data download.
  • isdone=0, Q(t) and return_yr_Qs are not process for that feature.
  • isdone=-1, Q(t) download for that feature is NOT properly finished.
  • isdone=1, Q(t) download for that feature is completed.