NWM Flood Extent Forecast From TSTable
Construct floodplain extent (floodplain polygons) of the pre-downloaded time series Q by applying JoinFeatures on the downloaded timeseries data with precomputed Flood Stack dataset (FloodDS).
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input NWM Time Series Table | Required | Input | Table View | NWM Q Forecast Table |
Input FPZoneRiver | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Floodplain polygons on each river segments, with 86 dhs on each river, (dh=0.3048), fields = [StreamID,HIndex,HValue,CompositeID], CompositeID=StreamID*100+HIndex |
Input Rating Curve Lookup Table | Required | Input | Table View | pf_ModelStream, whose [Q, H] fields are used as rating curve Q->H. |
Slice Increment | Required | Input | Double | Slice_Increment (=0.3048), delta_h used to create the floodds dataset. |
Ouput Floodplain TS Dataset | Required | Output | Feature Layer | Output floodplain extent polygons |