Create Network Connectivity
Create Network Connectivty associated to input Stream, Pipe, Inlet, Outlet and Catchment features using Nodel/Link features and connectivity.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input Inlet Point Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Optional. Input Inlet Point feature class defining the location where water enter a pipe or a sink. |
Input | Required | Input Outlet Point Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input pipe outlets. May be created by using the Arc Hydro geoprocessing tool Create Pipe Outlets. |
Input | Required | Input Stream Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input Stream containing both original Stream features and Overland Flow features. |
Input | Required | Input Pipe Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input Pipe features. |
Input | Required | Input Catchment Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input Catchment features. |
Output | Required | Output Node Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Output Node features containing from nodes and to nodes associated to output links. The field FType indicates the source associated to the node: Inlet, Outlet or Network if there is no specific associated feature. |
Output | Required | Output Link Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Output Link features generated by merging input Stream and Pipe features. Contains the attributes From_Node and To_Node with the NodeID of associated nodes and FType defining the type of Link (Pipe, Stream or Overland Connector). |
Output | Required | Output Catchment Connectivity Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Output Catchment features with associated Node. |