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Create Network Connectivity


Create Network Connectivty associated to input Stream, Pipe, Inlet, Outlet and Catchment features using Nodel/Link features and connectivity.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput Inlet Point Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOptional. Input Inlet Point feature class defining the location where water enter a pipe or a sink.
InputRequiredInput Outlet Point Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput pipe outlets. May be created by using the Arc Hydro geoprocessing tool Create Pipe Outlets.
InputRequiredInput Stream Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Stream containing both original Stream features and Overland Flow features.
InputRequiredInput Pipe Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Pipe features.
InputRequiredInput Catchment Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Catchment features.
OutputRequiredOutput Node Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Node features containing from nodes and to nodes associated to output links. The field FType indicates the source associated to the node: Inlet, Outlet or Network if there is no specific associated feature.
OutputRequiredOutput Link Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Link features generated by merging input Stream and Pipe features. Contains the attributes From_Node and To_Node with the NodeID of associated nodes and FType defining the type of Link (Pipe, Stream or Overland Connector).
OutputRequiredOutput Catchment Connectivity Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Catchment features with associated Node.