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Generate a node-link schema. The nodes are defined by the centers of the polygons representing basins and by points that represent locations of interest in the model. The points include basin outlets, river junctions, water intakes and other facilities.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput Schema Junction Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Schema Junction feature class (e.g. HydroJunction). May be created using the tool Create Hydro Network from Catchment or Create Hydro Network from Subwatershed.
InputRequiredInput Schema Edge Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Schema Edge feature class (e.g. HydroEdge). May be created using the tool Create Hydro Network from Catchment or Create Hydro Network from Subwatershed.
OutputRequiredOutput Schema Link Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Schema Link feature class. The following fields will be created:
  • HydroID
  • FeatureID: HydroID of the original DrainageLine/Stream feature used as source for the link.
  • FromNodeID: HydroID of the upstream SchemaNode.
  • ToNodeID: HydroID of the downstream SchemaNode.
  • DownElemID: Always HydroID of the downstream Node.
  • LinkType:
    • 1 - Subbasin Link
    • 2 - Routing Reach
    OutputRequiredOutput Schema Node Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Schema Node feature class. The following fields will be created:
  • HydroID
  • FeatureID: HydroID of the original feature used as source for the node (basin or junction).
  • DownElemID:
  • If the node is of type basin, HydroID of the downstream node.
  • If the node is of type junction, HydroID of the dowstream link.
  • SrcType:
    • 0 - Outlet Node
    • 1 - Subbasin Node
    • 2 - Junction Node
  • HyElemType:
    • 0 - Outlet (SrcType=0)
    • 1 - Subbasin (SrcType=1)
    • 2 - Junction (SrcType=2)
    InputOptionalInput Schema Polygon Feature ClassGPFeatureLayer>Input Schema Polygon feature class. Optional.
    InputOptionalInput Schema Polygon Centroid Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Schema Polygon Centroid feature class. Optional.

    If provided, will be used as source to create the subbasin nodes.
    OutputDerivedOuput Schema Polygon Centroid Feature ClassGPFeatureLayer