Generate a node-link schema. The nodes are defined by the centers of the polygons representing basins and by points that represent locations of interest in the model. The points include basin outlets, river junctions, water intakes and other facilities.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input Schema Junction Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input Schema Junction feature class (e.g. HydroJunction). May be created using the tool Create Hydro Network from Catchment or Create Hydro Network from Subwatershed. |
Input | Required | Input Schema Edge Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input Schema Edge feature class (e.g. HydroEdge). May be created using the tool Create Hydro Network from Catchment or Create Hydro Network from Subwatershed. |
Output | Required | Output Schema Link Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Output Schema Link feature class. The following fields will be created:
Output | Required | Output Schema Node Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Output Schema Node feature class. The following fields will be created:
Input | Optional | Input Schema Polygon Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | >Input Schema Polygon feature class. Optional. |
Input | Optional | Input Schema Polygon Centroid Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input Schema Polygon Centroid feature class. Optional. If provided, will be used as source to create the subbasin nodes. |
Output | Derived | Ouput Schema Polygon Centroid Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer |