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Define Overland Preferential Node Link Schema


Creates a Preferential Node/Link schema that defines the "main" overland flow paths between catchments. The input HydroEdge and HydroJunction feature classes used by the tool are the ones created with the Terrain Morphology Drainage Connectivity Characterization tool, and NOT the ones created manually and/or during the creation of HEPs. The HydroJunctions of FType 'Boundary Node' must have the elevation field (Elev) populated with the elevation of the junction.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput Catchment Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Catchment. Required field: HydroID. Tool works on selected set of Catchment features or on all features if there is no selected set.
InputRequiredInput Sink Point Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Sink Point. Required field: HydroID. Used to populate the field SinkID in the associated output Preferential Node.
InputRequiredInput Hydro Junction Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerInput Hydro Junction features to process. Required field: HydroID, FType, Elev. HydroJunctions defining the lower elevation along the Boundaries must have FType='Boundary Node' and their field elevation must be populated.
InputRequiredInput Hydro Edge Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerHydro Edge feature class to process. Tool will update the field IsPreferred with 1 for the edges belonging to the preferential paths. The digitized direction of the Boundary Link HydroEdges must be toward the sink points.
InputRequiredInput DEM RasterGPRasterLayerInput DEM raster providing the cell size used to set the search tolerance for the spatial joins.
OutputRequiredOutput Preferential Node Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Preferential Node feature class storing the nodes located on the preferential paths. The following fields will be populated:
  • Hydroid: unique identifier of the feature in the geodatabase.
  • SinkID: HydroID of the associated Sink Point.
  • DrainID: HydroID of the associated Catchment.
  • JunctionID: HydroID of the associated HydroJunction. Populated for outlet (Dendritic junction) and Boundary junction.
  • OutputRequiredOutput Preferential Link Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerOutput Preferential Link feature class defining the preferred paths. HydroEdge features associated to the paths are assigned IsPreferred=1. . The following fields will be populated:
  • Hydroid: unique identifier of the feature in the geodatabase.
  • IsFlipped: Indicated whether the link has been edited and flipped. Default to 0 (No).
  • FNID: HydroID of the associated From Preferential Node.
  • TNID: HydroID of the associated To Preferential Node.
  • FeatureID1: HydroID of origin catchment.
  • FeatureID2: HydroID of destination catchment.