Build DEM from Terrain Dataset
Creates a new DEM from an input terrain dataset. The tool is built to work with the terrain dataset developed by "Build Terrain Dataset from LAS" and leverage its pyramid structure.
Creates a new DEM from an input terrain dataset. The tool is built to work with the terrain dataset developed by "Build Terrain Dataset from LAS" and leverage its pyramid structure. The DEM is built for the whole extent of the terrain dataset unless an optional limiting polygon feature class is provided, in which case the DEM will be limited to the extent of the selected polygons buffered by 1000m.
Create integer raster option can be used to specify the output DEM to be integer. In that case, the vertical units will be scaled 100 times (e.g., if original elevation was in meters, the integer raster elevation will be in centimeters).
The available cell size is limited to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5m. The choice of cell size defines the level of generalization applied based on the terrain dataset pyramid levels. The following rules are applied:
Resolution (m) : Pyramid level
1 : 0
2 : 2
3 : 2
4 : 4
5 : 4
This tool uses the "Natural Neighbors" method for terrain to raster conversion. The output DEM has the one-cell sinks filled (note that this means that there are still other sinks in the DEM).
The DEM construction methodology is based on work by David E. James, USDA/ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, Ames, Iowa.
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input Terrain Dataset | Required | Input | Terrain Layer | Input terrain dataset to be used to create DEM from. This terrain dataset needs to have at least 4 pyramid levels defined if any resolution besides 1m is to be used. |
Cell Size | Required | Input | Long | Output DEM cell size (m). |
Create Integer Raster | Required | Input | Boolean | Option to create output DEM as integer. Vertical units will be scaled up 100 times. |
Output DEM | Required | Output | Raster Dataset | Output DEM to be created. |
Input Limiting Polygon | Optional | Input | Feature Layer | Optional polygon feature class that will be used to clip the output DEM. If not provided, the full extent of the terrain dataset will be processed. |
Buffer Distance for Clipping | Optional | Input | Linear Unit | Optional buffer distance to apply to the Limiting Input Polygon before it is used to clip the DEM. Applying a buffer distance may be useful for avoiding edge effects when further processing the output DEM. If a buffer distance is not provided, no buffer (or a buffer of 0) will be used. |