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2. Create Classified Depth Raster


This tool creates classified depth raster (CDR) and optionally a polygon feature class (CDFC) from PD (or WSE) rasters and classification remap table. Operation is performed for all rasters referenced by the reference source raster (for example, if a ponded depth raster is selected, then the classification will be performed for all the ponded depth rasters in the folder where the reference raster resides based on the reference raster prefix). Results are placed in the same parent folder where input rasters are, but in the separate subfolder named using the provided prefix. If "Create Classified Polygons" box is checked, the CDFC polygons are created.For additional information, refer to the Arc Hydro - Hydroperiod Tool document.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput Reference Source RasterGPRasterLayerRasters to process are based on the prefix and folder location of the selected reference raster. All rasters with the same prefix in the folder containing the reference raster will be processed.
Input Classification Remap TableRequiredInputTable ViewReclassification table. It has to have the following fields:
  • FromV (numeric) – lower limit of reclassification range.
  • ToV (numeric) – upper limit of reclassification range.
  • OutV (integer) – reclassified value.
  • InputRequiredOutput Classified Raster PrefixGPStringPrefix to be used for naming the reclassified rasters. It should be limited to 8 characters. Each input raster will get a reclassified output raster.
    InputRequiredCreate Classified PolygonsGPBooleanIf this option is checked, reclassified rasters will be converted to polygons and stored in a polygon feature class indexed by the class and raster index.
    OutputDerivedOutput Raster LocationDEWorkspace
    OutputDerivedOuput Polygon LayerGPFeatureLayer