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1. Create WSE And Depth Raster


This tool creates water surface elevation (WSE) and ponded depth (PD) rasters from stage recorder location(s) data by interpolation, using the interpolation technique specified by the user in the Interpolation Methodpull-down. If the WSE raster prefix is not provided, WSE rasters are not saved. If the configuration file is not provided, default ArcGIS surface interpolation parameters are used for the selected interpolation method. If only one gage is available for interpolation, the interpolation method entry is ignored and a horizontal water surface elevation is created instead.For additional information, refer to the Arc Hydro - Hydroperiod Tool document.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput DEM RasterGPRasterLayerDEM raster used for definition of the terrain surface. Ponded depth is measured from this elevation representation. It is also used to define the cell size and extent of the analysis (the interpolated water surface elevation will be limited to the extent of the DEM).
InputRequiredInput Monitoring Point Feature ClassGPFeatureLayerPoint feature class of locations that will be used for water surface interpolation. If there is a selection on the points, only selected points will be used in the interpolation process. If nothing is selected, all points will be used.
InputRequiredInput Monitoring TableGPTableViewMonitoring table that will be used for water surface interpolation. If there is a selection on the table, only selected stages will be used in the interpolation process. If nothing is selected, all stages will be used. Three types of tables can be used as input:
  • Time series: requires fields “TSValue”, “TSTime”, and “FeatureID”.
  • Frequency series: requires fields “FreqValue”, “FreqCode”, and “FeatureID”.
  • Stage series: requires fields “StageValue” and “StageCode”.
  • InputRequiredInterpolation MethodGPStringViable interpolation methods. Only one can be selected for any given run.
    InputOptionalInput Configuration FileDETextFileOptional configuation (txt) file with custom parameters for specified interpolation method. If one is not provided, standard parameters for the selected interpolation method will be used. This file format must exactly match the selected method. See tool design document for examples of file structures for each method.
    InputRequiredOutput FolderDEFolderTarget folder where tool outputs are stored. The folder must exist.
    InputRequiredOutput Ponded Depth Raster PrefixGPStringPrefix used for naming the ponded depth rasters. It should be limited to 8 characters.
    InputOptionalOutput WSE Raster PrefixGPStringOptional prefix to be used for naming the water surface elevation rasters. It should be limited to 8 characters. Note that WSE rasters will always be created as part of calculating ponded depth. Providing the prefix will save them otherwise they will be discarded after the ponded depth is calculated. They are not required for latter processing but can be useful for quality control.