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6. Extract Point Cell Values


This tool extracts raster values for all rasters referenced by the reference source raster (for example, if a ponded depth raster is selected, then the values will be extracted for all the ponded depth rasters in the folder where the reference raster resides based on the reference raster prefix) at points defined in the input point feature class(a "push-pin" function). The results are stored in the output point series table referenced by the point and raster names (prefix/index).Each value is added as a row in the output table referenced by HydroID of the point (FeatureID in the table), raster prefix, raster index, and original TsTime/FreqCode/StageValue.Value is stored in the "IntpValue" field. There are no user specified outputs.The point series table will have name PFC_PRE_pp where "PFC" is the name of the point feature class, "PRE" is the raster prefix, and "_pp" is a constant literal and is stored in the output geodatabase.

For additional information, refer to the Arc Hydro - Hydroperiod Tool document.



Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Input Reference Source RasterRequiredInputRaster LayerRasters to process are based on the prefix and folder location of the selected reference raster. All rasters with the same prefix in the folder containing the reference raster will be processed.
Input Point Feature ClassRequiredInputFeature LayerPoint feature class defining points of interest for which to extract cell values. It must have HydroID populated.