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Build Walls


Creates a DEM grid with external and/or internal walls burnt in, except at the location of the breachlines.



Parameter NameData TypeDirectionTypeDialog Reference
Input DEM RasterRaster LayerInputRequiredInput dem onto which the walls will be built.
Inner Wall Height (DEM Z-Unit)DoubleInputRequiredHeight added to the input dem at the location of the inner walls to build in these walls. The height of the external wall is twice this height.
Inner Wall Buffer (Number of Cells)LongInputRequiredBuffer in number of cells used when building the inner walls. Default to 0 – no buffering - i.e the walls will be one cell wide.
Breach Line Buffer (Number of Cells)LongInputRequiredBuffer in number of cells used when building the breach lines. Default to 0 – no buffering - i.e. the breaches will be one cell wide.
Output Walled DEM RasterRaster LayerOutputRequiredOutput dem with walls built in.
Input External Wall Polygon Feature ClassFeature LayerInputOptionalOptional. Polygon feature class defining the locations where the external walls will be built.
Input Internal Wall Feature ClassFeature LayerInputOptionalOptional. Polygon, point or line feature class defining the locations where the internal walls will be built onto the input dem.
Input Breach Line RasterRaster LayerInputOptional