Burn Flat Polygons and Streams into DEM
Modify elevation in the input DEM within the input flat areas defined by the input flat area raster taking into consideration streams that drain flat areas. The resulting hydro-conditioned DEM will have the elevation within the flat areas decrease proportionally to the distance away from the edge of the flat polygon (further in, larger/deeper the elevation adjustment) towards streams. Elevation along the edge of the flat polygon is maintained as is, practically creating a bowl within the input flat polygon.
The intent of this tool is to modify (hydro-condition) the DEM so that the continuous flow direction analysis can find the optimal path through the flat areas while preserving known stream alignment within them. Note that the use of resulting hydro-conditioned DEM with traditional D8 flow accumulation approach will generate sinks within the flat areas.
Areas defined by the flat area raster must be intersected by the stream raster. Streams can be defined either by stream or stream link raster.
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input DEM Raster | Required | Input | Raster Layer | Input elevation raster. |
Input Flat Area Raster | Required | Input | Raster Layer | Input raster indicating where the flat areas are. This raster needs to have any valid value in the flat areas that need to be hydro-conditioned and nodata elsewhere. Arc Hydro tools 'Identify Flat Areas' or 'Create Sink Structure' can be used to create such raster. These areas must intersect stream raster (every flat area must be drained by the stream). |
Input Stream or Stream Link Raster | Required | Input | Raster Layer | Input raster indicating where the streams are. This raster needs to have any valid value in the streams and nodata elsewhere. Arc Hydro tool 'Create Drainage Line Structures' can be used to create such raster from known vector stream representation. |
Output DEM Raster | Required | Output | Raster Layer | Output hydro-conditioned DEM raster with flat areas draining towards streams. |