Attribute GeoRAS Layers
Attribute GeoRAS layers and create 3D profile lines (cross-sections). The following GeoRAS layers are attributed:
- From_Node
- To_Node
XSCutlines (cross-sections):
- RiverCode
- ReachCode
- ProfileM (stationing)
- LeftBank
- RightBank
- ChLength (distance to downstream cross-section along the river or channel flow path)
- LLength - optional field (distance to downstream cross-section along left flow path)
- RLength - optional field (distance to downstream cross-section along right flow path)
XSCutlines3D feature class is created. It has the same attributes as XSCutline and in addition, attribute XS2DID that contains the HydroID of the matching cutline (2D cross-section representation).
Note that Rivers feature class must have HydroID, RiverCode, and ReachCode attributes correctly populated before they can be transferred to the cross-sections. XSCutlines feature class must have HydroID correctly populated. Optional flow path feature class must have LineType correctly populated (valid values are Channel, Left, and Right).
If attributes being populated by the tool are already present, they will be overwritten.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input River Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input river feature class that will be used to determine cross-section positioning (stationing) and distance between cross-sections. It must have attributes HydroID, RiverCode, and ReachCode correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Input Cross Section Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Input cut line (2D cross-section) feature class. It must have attribute HydroID correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Input Bank Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | This is a polyline feature class that should contain lines representing left and right bank lines. |
Input | Required | Input Elevation Surface | GPComposite | This is a polyline feature class that should contain lines representing left and right bank lines. |
Output | Required | Output 3D Cross Section Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Profile line feature class (3D representation of cross-sections) based on input cross section feature class and elevation surface. It has the same attributes as XSCutline and in addition, attribute XS2DID that contains the HydroID of the matching cutline (2D cross-section representation). Default database location is the location of the input XSCutlines layer and default name is "XSCutlines3D". |
Input | Optional | Input Flow Path Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | This is a polyline feature class that should contain lines representing channel, left, and right flow path lines to be used for cross-section distance computation. It must have attribute LineType correctly populated. |
Output | Derived | Output CS FC | GPFeatureLayer |