SDF to Geodatabase
Create geodatabase using information in HEC-RAS SDF file format. Database structure created by the tool is fixed. The following data structures are created:
Feature classes within feature dataset “RasResults”:
- ActiveWaterSurfaceExtents
- BankPoints
- BoundingPolygons
- Ice
- IneffectivePositions
- River2D
- ShearStress
- StorageAreas
- StreamPower
- Velocities
- WaterSurfaceExtents
- XSCutlines
- XSCutlines3D
- ProfileDefinition
If data are present in the sdf file, they will be imported into the feature classes, otherwise, the feature classes will be empty. Feature dataset will have the spatial reference provided to the tool.
Only those database structures that have data will be added to the map.
Output geodatabase must not exist – if it does, tool will provide an error message and exit.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input SDF | File | SDF file to import. |
Input | Required | Spatial Reference | Spatial Reference | Profile line feature class (3D representation of cross-sections). It must have required attributes correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Target Folder | Folder | River feature class. It must have required attributes correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Geodatabase Name | String | Surface that was used to create profile lines. This can be DEM, TIN, or a terrain surface. |
Output | Derived | Output Geodatabase | DEFile | Name (including path) of the output sdf file that will be generated. |