Preparing Data For HMS Export
Prepares basin system data to be exported to a HEC-HMS Basin model file. This script organizes the data necessary for export into five tables, which are intended to be used as inputs to Create HEC-HMS Basin File.
Run before Create HEC-HMS Basin File to organize necessary data into AH schema tables. If coastal catchments exist in the input subbasins layer, they will be ignored.
Parameter Name | Type | Direction | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input Subbasins Layer | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Subbasin layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation |
Input Centroids Layer | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Drainage area centroid layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation |
Input Schema Link Layer | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Schema link layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation |
Input Schema Node Layer | Required | Input | Feature Layer | Schema node layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation |
Input River Layer | Required | Input | Feature Layer | River layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation |
Input Area Units | Required | Input | String | Unit system that should be used for length and area calculations for HMS preparation ("English" or "SI") |
Output File Geodatabase Location | Required | Input | File | Output file geodatabase where derived output tables will be stored |
HMS_BasinHeader | Optional | Output | Table | Name of the output basin header table created following the defined AH basin header schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default. |
HMS_SubBasin | Optional | Output | Table | Name of the output subbasin table created following the defined AH subbasin schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default. |
HMS_Sink | Optional | Output | Table | Name of the output sink table created following the defined AH sink schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default. |
HMS_Junction | Optional | Output | Table | Name of the output junction table created following the defined AH junction schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default. |
HMS_Reach | Optional | Output | Table | Name of the output reach table created following the defined AH reach schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default. |