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Preparing Data For HMS Export


Prepares basin system data to be exported to a HEC-HMS Basin model file. This script organizes the data necessary for export into five tables, which are intended to be used as inputs to Create HEC-HMS Basin File.


Run before Create HEC-HMS Basin File to organize necessary data into AH schema tables. If coastal catchments exist in the input subbasins layer, they will be ignored.


Parameter NameTypeDirectionData TypeDialog Reference
Input Subbasins LayerRequiredInputFeature LayerSubbasin layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation
Input Centroids LayerRequiredInputFeature LayerDrainage area centroid layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation
Input Schema Link LayerRequiredInputFeature LayerSchema link layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation
Input Schema Node LayerRequiredInputFeature LayerSchema node layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation
Input River LayerRequiredInputFeature LayerRiver layer resulting from the Pro HMS basin system generation
Input Area UnitsRequiredInputStringUnit system that should be used for length and area calculations for HMS preparation ("English" or "SI")
Output File Geodatabase LocationRequiredInputFileOutput file geodatabase where derived output tables will be stored
HMS_BasinHeaderOptionalOutputTableName of the output basin header table created following the defined AH basin header schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default.
HMS_SubBasinOptionalOutputTableName of the output subbasin table created following the defined AH subbasin schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default.
HMS_SinkOptionalOutputTableName of the output sink table created following the defined AH sink schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default.
HMS_JunctionOptionalOutputTableName of the output junction table created following the defined AH junction schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default.
HMS_ReachOptionalOutputTableName of the output reach table created following the defined AH reach schema. This parameter is not exposed to the user and default naming is used by default.