Geodatabase to SDF
Export GeoRAS layers to HEC-RAS compatible SDF format file (HEC-RAS GIS export format). HEADER, STREAM NETWORK and basic CROSS-SECTIONS components of the sdf file are populated. Input layers need to have the following fields populated:
- RiverCode (river code)
- ReachCode (reach code)
- From_Node
- To_Node
2D Cross-sections:
- HydroID
- RiverCode (river code)
- ReachCode (reach code)
- ProfileM (stationing along river)
- LeftBank (fraction to left bank)
- RightBank (fraction to right bank)
- ChLength (distance to downstream cross-section along the river or channel flow path)
- LLength - optional field (distance to downstream cross-section along left flow path)
- RLength - optional field (distance to downstream cross-section along right flow path)
- NodeName (field must exist but does not need to be populated)
3D Cross-sections:
Mannings N table:
- Fraction
- N_Value
2D Bridge/culverts:
- HydroID
- RiverCode (river code)
- ReachCode (reach code)
- ProfileM (stationing along river)
- USDistance (upstream distance)
- TopWidth (top width)
- NodeName (field must exist but does not need to be populated)
3D Bridge/culverts:
Note that value of ChLength will be automatically assigned to main, left, and right reach lengths in the sdf file if optional fields "LLenght" and "RLength" are not in the cross-section feature class.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input 2D Cross Section Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Cut line feature class (2D cross-section). It must have required attributes correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Input 3D Cross Section Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | Profile line feature class (3D representation of cross-sections). It must have required attributes correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Input River Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | River feature class. It must have required attributes correctly populated. |
Input | Required | Input Elevation Surface | GPComposite | Surface that was used to create profile lines. This can be DEM, TIN, or a terrain surface. |
Input | Optional | Input Manning's N Table | GPTableView | Manning’s N table with roughness coefficient change along each cut line. It must have required attributes correctly populated. |
Input | Optional | Input 2D Bridge/Culvert Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | |
Input | Optional | Input 3D Bridge/Culvert Feature Class | GPFeatureLayer | |
Output | Required | Output SDF File | DEFile | Name (including path) of the output sdf file that will be generated. |