1. Characterize DEM
Characterize an input DEM by creating the associated Landform raster, flat area raster, flat area polygon and slope raster (in degrees).
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input DEM | GPRasterLayer | Input elevation raster. |
Output | Required | Output Landform Raster | GPRasterLayer | Output landform raster to be created based on 10 common landform types: flat, peak, ridge, shoulder, spur, slope, hollow, foot slope, valley, and pit (Jasiewicz & Stepinski, 2012). |
Output | Required | Ouput Flat Area Raster | GPRasterLayer | Output flat area raster that defines the locations that may be used as sinks. |
Output | Required | Output Flat Area Polygon | GPFeatureLayer | Output flat area polygon feature class, based on flat area raster. |
Output | Required | Output Slope Raster | GPRasterLayer | Output slope raster in degrees. |