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1. Characterize DEM


Characterize an input DEM by creating the associated Landform raster, flat area raster, flat area polygon and slope raster (in degrees).



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput DEMGPRasterLayerInput elevation raster.
OutputRequiredOutput Landform RasterGPRasterLayerOutput landform raster to be created based on 10 common landform types: flat, peak, ridge, shoulder, spur, slope, hollow, foot slope, valley, and pit (Jasiewicz & Stepinski, 2012).
OutputRequiredOuput Flat Area RasterGPRasterLayerOutput flat area raster that defines the locations that may be used as sinks.
OutputRequiredOutput Flat Area PolygonGPFeatureLayerOutput flat area polygon feature class, based on flat area raster.
OutputRequiredOutput Slope RasterGPRasterLayerOutput slope raster in degrees.