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4. Create Vegetative Cover Factor Raster


The vegetative cover management factor is a ratio comparing the soil loss from a specific type of vegetation cover. Vegetative cover raster is obtained by estimating relationship via landuse.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput DEMRaster LayerInput elevation raster.
InputRequiredInput Landcover RasterRaster LayerInput raster displaying landcover.
InputRequiredInput Landcover Lookup TableTable ViewThis table must contain the fields Landcover and CFactor. Recall that C is a parameter in the RUSLE equation that defines the landcover management factor. The Landcover field will be used to find the associated value in the input raster. The tool will delete the field CFactor in the input Landcover if it already exists and readd and populate the field using the values from the lookup table.
OutputRequiredOutput Vegetative Cover RasterRaster LayerOutput raster that will be used later in the toolset workflow as part of RUSLE equation to calculate erosion.