8. Create Erosion Report
Creates a report showing summarized erosions over a specified area (i.e. catchments). The tool updates the layers in the .aprx files by repointing their data sources to the specified input workspace (for vectors) and associated locations (for rasters). The report is stored in the Reports folder located in the same location as the file geodatabase.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input Workspace | DEWorkspace | File geodatabase in which the project’s vector data is stored. |
Input | Optional | Input Template Directory | DEFolder | If left blank, the default templates defined for the tool will be used, which can be located here: %ProInstall%\Resources\ArcToolBox\Templates\Erosion |
Input | Required | Use Current Extent | GPBoolean | Choose whether to use the current map extent of the project. |