5. Create Soil Erodibility Raster
Creates a soil erodibility raster using an input DEM, soil layer, and a soil/erodibility factor lookup table. This raster can be used as part of the RUSLE equation to compute erosion.
Direction | Type | Parameter Name | Data Type | Dialog Reference |
Input | Required | Input DEM | GPRasterLayer | Input elevation raster. |
Input | Required | Input Soil Layer | GPFeatureLayer | Input soil layer. This must contain a field that has values defined in the lookup table so that the tool can retrieve the K Factor (from RUSLE) associated to each soil. Erodibility is related to the soils by soil texture. |
Input | Required | Input Soil Lookup Table | GPTableView | Input lookup table that correlates soil type to K Factor. |
Output | Required | Output Soil Erodibility Raster | GPRasterLayer | Output raster created from the K Factor field which the tool adds to the input soil layer. |