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5. Create Soil Erodibility Raster


Creates a soil erodibility raster using an input DEM, soil layer, and a soil/erodibility factor lookup table. This raster can be used as part of the RUSLE equation to compute erosion.



DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
InputRequiredInput DEMGPRasterLayerInput elevation raster.
InputRequiredInput Soil LayerGPFeatureLayerInput soil layer. This must contain a field that has values defined in the lookup table so that the tool can retrieve the K Factor (from RUSLE) associated to each soil. Erodibility is related to the soils by soil texture.
InputRequiredInput Soil Lookup TableGPTableViewInput lookup table that correlates soil type to K Factor.
OutputRequiredOutput Soil Erodibility RasterGPRasterLayerOutput raster created from the K Factor field which the tool adds to the input soil layer.