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3. Create LS Raster


Generates the LS parameter raster as well as the specific catchment area raster. The LS parameter originates from the Revised Universal Soil Equation or Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) which is commonly used to estimate the rate of soil loss by water. The following equation is used:

  • A=R*K*L*S*C*PWhere:A: Mean annual soil loss (t/ha/year)
  • R: rainfall erosivity factorK: Soil erodibility factor
  • L: Slope length
  • S: Slope steepness
  • C: Landcover management factor
  • P: Erosion control practices (assume to be 1/none)

  • L*S is combined here to create the LS factor. Additionally,

    LS= Power(facc * cell size / 22.1, 0.4) * Power(Sin(slp * 0.01745) / 0.09, 1.4) * 1.4

  • facc is the flow accumulation.
  • slp is the slope in degrees.
  • Usage


    DirectionTypeParameter NameData TypeDialog Reference
    InputRequiredInput DEMGPRasterLayerInput elevation raster.
    OutputRequiredOutput LS RasterGPRasterLayerOutput LS Raster created using the equation:

    LS= Power(facc * cell size / 22.1, 0.4) * Power(Sin(slp * 0.01745) / 0.09, 1.4) * 1.4
    OutputRequiredOutput Slope RasterGPRasterLayerDerived slope raster, in degrees.
    OutputRequiredOutput Specific Catchment Area RasterGPRasterLayer