Processor Nearest Coordinate#

Table of Contents#

  1. What is Processor Nearest Coordinate

  2. Processor Nearest Coordinate Input Data

  3. Using Proccesor Nearest Coordinate

[ ]:
import bdt
from bdt.functions import *
from bdt.processors import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
import geopandas
import folium
import mapclassify
import matplotlib
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             ___    _                ___         __             ______             __   __     _   __
            / _ )  (_)  ___ _       / _ \ ___ _ / /_ ___ _     /_  __/ ___  ___   / /  / /__  (_) / /_
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Part 1: What is Processor Nearest Coordinate#

  • Processor Nearest Coordinate finds the nearest coordinates between two dataframes by taking the left-hand-side dataframe and augmenting it with the closest feature attributes on the right-hand-side dataframe.

  • The LHS dataframe must be points, the RHS dataframe can be a points, polylines, or polygons.

  • The input features must be in a projected coordinate system that is appropriate for distance calculations.

  • Below is a simple example of two polygons and a set of points. The function calculates the distance of the nearest coordinate as well as returning the snapped coordinates.


Part 2: Processor Nearest Coordinate Input Data#

  • Use WKT strings to create sample points and a polygon around the Esri campus in Redlands.

[ ]:
poly_df = spark.createDataFrame(
        (1, "POLYGON((-117.199866 34.059128, -117.196162 34.059066, -117.196245 34.055853, -117.199716 34.055833, -117.199866 34.059128))"),
        (2, "POLYGON((-117.191012 34.059453, -117.191055 34.057439, -117.193252 34.057202, -117.194477 34.058044, -117.194177 34.058832, -117.192929 34.059317, -117.191012 34.059453))")
    schema="polyid int, WKT string"
.selectExpr("polyid", "ST_FromText(WKT) AS SHAPE") \
.withMeta("POLYGON", 4326, "SHAPE")
|polyid|               SHAPE|
|     1|{[01 06 00 00 00 ...|
|     2|{[01 06 00 00 00 ...|

[ ]:
point_df = spark.createDataFrame(
        (1, "POINT(-117.198358 34.056982)"),
        (2, "POINT(-117.198769 34.059076)"),
        (3, "POINT(-117.195690 34.057114)"),
        (4, "POINT(-117.194614 34.055944)"),
        (5, "POINT(-117.194906 34.058528)"),
    schema="pointid int, WKT string"
.selectExpr("pointid", "ST_FromText(WKT) AS SHAPE") \
.withMeta("POINT", 4326, "SHAPE")
|pointid|               SHAPE|
|      1|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      2|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      3|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      4|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      5|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|

  • This function allows quick visualizations of Spark dataframes using geopandas and folium.

[ ]:
def explore_geometries(df1, df2, shape_col_name="SHAPE", wkid=4326):
    gdf1 = to_geo_pandas(df1, wkid, shape_col_name)
    gdf2 = to_geo_pandas(df2, wkid, shape_col_name)
    m = gdf2.explore(legend=False, color="blue", tiles="Esri.WorldTopoMap")
    m = gdf1.explore(legend=False, color="red", m=m)
    return m
[ ]:
explore_geometries(point_df, poly_df)
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Part 3: Using Processor Nearest Coordinate#

  • The nearestCoordinate function requires the following arguments:

  • ldf – The left-hand side (LHS) input DataFrame.

  • rdf – The right-hand side (RHS) input DataFrame.

  • cellSize (float) – The spatial partitioning cell size.

  • snapRadius (float) – The snapping radius.

  • For the full list of optional arguments reference the API documentation.

[ ]:
nearest_coord_df = bdt.processors.nearestCoordinate(
        cellSize = 1.0,
        snapRadius = 5.0)
  • The output dataframe has the following columns

  • pointid - the lhs point dataframe id column

  • SHAPE - the lhs point dataframe SHAPE column

  • polyid - the rhs polygon dataframe id column. This id is the closest rhs geometry to the lhs point

  • distance - the distance from the lhs point to the rhs polygon

  • X and Y - the XY coordinates for the lhs point snapped to the rhs polygon

  • isOnRight - True if the closest coordinate is to the right of the polygon. The origin point of polyid 1 is top left, and thus the points are drawn left to right. Therefore, points within the polygon will be considered onRight and points outside will be considered False.

[ ]:
|pointid|               SHAPE|polyid|            distance|                  X|                 Y|isOnRight|
|      1|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|     1|0.001141156222067...|-117.19835142473478|34.055840862721205|     true|
|      3|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|     1| 5.22250922420033E-4| -117.1962120767551| 34.05712748657662|    false|
|      5|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|     2|5.731337236071206E-4|-117.19437037050457| 34.05832408014133|    false|
|      2|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|     1|3.363297762713936E-5|-117.19876843710784|34.059109628266924|     true|
|      4|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|     1|0.001628106093456498|-117.19624156313057| 34.05598604411448|    false|

  • Use a filter and ST_MakePoint to get the snapped points

  • Then use the explore_geometries function again to visualize

[ ]:
snapped_df =
.filter(col("distance") > 0.0) \
.select("*", st_makePoint("X", "Y").alias("SHAPE"))
|pointid|polyid|            distance|                  X|                 Y|isOnRight|               SHAPE|
|      1|     1|0.001141156222067...|-117.19835142473478|34.055840862721205|     true|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      3|     1| 5.22250922420033E-4| -117.1962120767551| 34.05712748657662|    false|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      5|     2|5.731337236071206E-4|-117.19437037050457| 34.05832408014133|    false|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      2|     1|3.363297762713936E-5|-117.19876843710784|34.059109628266924|     true|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|
|      4|     1|0.001628106093456498|-117.19624156313057| 34.05598604411448|    false|{[01 01 00 00 00 ...|

[ ]:
explore_geometries(snapped_df, poly_df)
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